On my first day in Palestine, right away i get confronted with the reality of an occupied state. my contactperson was not let into israel nor palestine, and put back on a plane. It could be because she was getting emotionally involved and anti-israel. And i am aware that that can put you out of the game. We are allowed to visit here and do peacework, but the moment we get too emotionally involved and choose sides we are denied entrance. It is a sensitive balance.
The al kamandjati music school who organises a festival in which we will perform beethoven 9th symphony, recently joined a boycot israel program. So the moment you choose sides in such a way, i think you lose the benefit of the doubt of the israeli authority.
That is the life in an occupied state, they can abuse the power they have and they do sometimes. But you have to be intelligent and respectful to what happened to the jewish people whilst confronting them. My idea would be to involve ordinary israeli citizens and make a music festival on ground which palestinians and israeli's can both visit without risking their security.
Coming from a german family that was severely harmed by the national socialists, i understand the firmness with which the israeli's defend themselves. To put an end to the violence though, on the long run i think that a two state solution would also be the best for them.
Right now the communication between both israeli's and palestinians is very difficult, because they are not really allowed in each others territory. The palestinians living in israel being an exception of course.
Also the 400,000 settlers in the west bank being an exception.
So they rely on us europeans and americans to come here and create understanding without chosing sides! A very interesting but beautiful challenge.
Now shehada and i have started to work on the violin. Please check my facebook for pictures. I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Reinhard Zach and his company traditional tonewoods for his gentle contribution.
After having arrived, i got warmly welcomed by shehada and his family.
Immediately shehada gives you te feeling you are part of the family. His family also comes in and out the shop the whole time. This strict european workshop athomsphere is not to be found here.
Some background on the struggle of his family is that both his grandfather has been in israeli prison for a long time, as well his uncle who is still in prison for fighting the occupation.
He wants to make a positive difference, and thats why i have come here to support that!
We found out while working that we have something in common, we share our first teacher! It was Guust Francois of Amsterdam, that both introduced shehada as well as me to this vocation.
At night Shehada took me to a party, one of his friends just spent 4! Years in prison because of rioting against the army. And it was like a respectful group of brothers greeting everyone in person and standing up for everyone.
Especially when an older person arrives, everyone stands up immediately. Here in palestine, there is an immense respect for the elder people.
When i asked around i found out all of guys had been in israeli prison! Some 4, some a few weeks, some 7 years! This was a little schocking coming from such a protected and safe country.
The youngest ones poored us coffee and the whole community was greeting their member back into his place.
Such a cool day with beautiful work! I will keep u updated, anyways thanks to the universe for providing all these beautiful moments.
p.s. If you hear shooting outside in the night. Don't go outside. It is just the militairy making an action.
Yours peacefully
The al kamandjati music school who organises a festival in which we will perform beethoven 9th symphony, recently joined a boycot israel program. So the moment you choose sides in such a way, i think you lose the benefit of the doubt of the israeli authority.
That is the life in an occupied state, they can abuse the power they have and they do sometimes. But you have to be intelligent and respectful to what happened to the jewish people whilst confronting them. My idea would be to involve ordinary israeli citizens and make a music festival on ground which palestinians and israeli's can both visit without risking their security.
Coming from a german family that was severely harmed by the national socialists, i understand the firmness with which the israeli's defend themselves. To put an end to the violence though, on the long run i think that a two state solution would also be the best for them.
Right now the communication between both israeli's and palestinians is very difficult, because they are not really allowed in each others territory. The palestinians living in israel being an exception of course.
Also the 400,000 settlers in the west bank being an exception.
So they rely on us europeans and americans to come here and create understanding without chosing sides! A very interesting but beautiful challenge.
Now shehada and i have started to work on the violin. Please check my facebook for pictures. I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Reinhard Zach and his company traditional tonewoods for his gentle contribution.
After having arrived, i got warmly welcomed by shehada and his family.
Immediately shehada gives you te feeling you are part of the family. His family also comes in and out the shop the whole time. This strict european workshop athomsphere is not to be found here.
Some background on the struggle of his family is that both his grandfather has been in israeli prison for a long time, as well his uncle who is still in prison for fighting the occupation.
He wants to make a positive difference, and thats why i have come here to support that!
We found out while working that we have something in common, we share our first teacher! It was Guust Francois of Amsterdam, that both introduced shehada as well as me to this vocation.
At night Shehada took me to a party, one of his friends just spent 4! Years in prison because of rioting against the army. And it was like a respectful group of brothers greeting everyone in person and standing up for everyone.
Especially when an older person arrives, everyone stands up immediately. Here in palestine, there is an immense respect for the elder people.
When i asked around i found out all of guys had been in israeli prison! Some 4, some a few weeks, some 7 years! This was a little schocking coming from such a protected and safe country.
The youngest ones poored us coffee and the whole community was greeting their member back into his place.
Such a cool day with beautiful work! I will keep u updated, anyways thanks to the universe for providing all these beautiful moments.
p.s. If you hear shooting outside in the night. Don't go outside. It is just the militairy making an action.
Yours peacefully
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