Alle menschen werden bruder
The world is not a fair place, how do you come to terms with that. Especially if this unfairness is so in your face like in Jerusalem.
The athmosphere here in east jerusalem is quite tense, much more then in Ramallah. Because the israeli police very unpredictable.
And you can sense the insecurity and the potential for escalation. Basically you sense the absence of a functional jurisdiction. It must have been similair for the jewish in the ghetto's. To feel constantly this insecurity really eats you from the inside.
At the same time we keep rehearsing for the beethoven 9 concerts. The different families of the orchestra. Woodwinds, brass, choir, strings divided in 4 different sections.
It is very interesting to see the different styles of leading. Some people have more of a solid personality, and other musicians are more spiritual or open.
It think both are needed, technical skill and a very open personality that allows the music to breathe.
The spiritual aspect comes for many musicians at a later moment in their career. For some maybe never... For me it came first and now i still have to do all the basic work to become a skillfull musician.
I sense that i need a challenge, like a soloist part as a singer, or like being the conductor. Because only singing bass in the choir would not challenge me enough..
But jt will be a lot of work really internalizing the musical language. Because if you stand in front of musicians you need a plan!
Anyway, the following days i will keep trying to live up to beethovens message. That all men will become brothers. Beethoven, or Schiller also explains how to get to this brotherhood. To find the freedom in yourself that helps you to let go of your small identity, that clings to nationality, looks or other concepts of your constructed personality.
I believe the way to this brotherhood is to start to live from the inside. From a deeper sense of identity.
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