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Rehearsing with the orchestra.

So i was so sad that i wanted to give up my blog. But i had a good cry with my palestinian friends about the situation here.

To feel the situation during the anniversairy of the installment of the metaldetectors in front of the all aksha mosque, the second most holy place for the muslims.

The sadness, the anger and the desperation was so thick in the air that you could cut it with a knife. The old city was full of armed soldiers and teargas was shot at the screaming crowd.

At the same time we are rehearsing the beethoven, and the hoboist gave me very interesting information about the 4th movement, and how the singers are always accompanied by a certain instrument group. So the trombones sing with the tenors for a while for example.

The conductors work is to make sure the different instrumentgroups know where to listen, with whom they play the tune and with whom they contrast for example.

It is very rewarding if the instruments start breathing the singers. It would be nice to do assisting work for the conductor in the future.

So i had a good cry yesterday with my palestinian friends. I could share my sadness with them because they know this repression and intimidation that also happened to my ancestors. And it is as like we are looking at it from a different side. The pain of the nazi's that stemmed from generations of oppression in the second roman empire. Was passed on to the jewish, and know the palestinians are on the receiving it.

Where did this racial anger stem from exactly? I don't know the answer to that question. But when i wrote my thesis i found some of its roots in the biedermeyer period, when the old noble families where still clinging on their power although the french revolution and napoleon had already given the german peoples a sense of freedom.

Schuberts winterreise is a beautiful example of artistic resistance against the politics of that day, try to listen to it with that in mind.

Now, beethovens music surpasses age and time, it is a vision of humanity's potential to live brotherhood and the struggle it will take to arrive to that moment!

I should not forget the interesting experience of singing in the choir; to the breathing of the zen with the singing. Also the places of the different vowels and the connection between earth an sky!

To sing in a choir it is a very different experience then singing like a soloist. The posture open and straight, not to look too much in the notes. Also beethoven writes for singers like for instruments. From the belly like a basketball. With an open face.

You have to make much less sound then when you sing alone

So now i finish my blog for the day, and continue singing and dancing with my palestinian friends!


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