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integrating my journey into my daily life in vienna has brought me some interesting conclusions.

So life in a muslim society like palestine is very presence based, when you greet, when you eat, when you discuss or work you constantly show presence. Because this is a way to be with god or show gratitude to hin, as muslims would say. Very similair as what buddhists call the present moment, or mindfulness.

Back in europe, where we live in the remnants of what was a christian spiritual society, many people are left to cope with life by themselves. Or with their outer self, the descartian idea of i think therefore i am. We are obsessed with outer appearances, stuff and talking about our outer succes.

We aren't forced to live religious lives, but many of us have lost to connection with their inner self or spiritual side. And therefore their seperate self or mind takes hold and starts comparing, burdening them with addictions, fears and loneliness.

As an artist, i want to create and be spiritual about it. I like to be in harmony with nature, soul and other people. And i notice for me, that i am more creative around spiritual or religious people.
Personally i prefer to be around spiritual people more then religious, because religious people tend to be less tolerant and more ignorant. Also they think less for themselves but reside in dogma's.

Anyway, coming back to the importance of creating art. i have realized that my current whereabouts in vienna are counterproductive and i am looking for new places to be more creative as i have been in the past months. I have been losing time and effort fighting loneliness and feelings of seperation.

And now finally i havw been meeting some like minded friends in vienna that i can hopefully share places with. Because feeling the presence of people you like, for me is an essential part of creating.
Thats why i guess i am more of a musician than a violin maker, because also in making the instruments i long for communication and exchange. For learning and becoming more human.



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